
Reddit is a great way we can promote our sneaker group! Sneaker related subreddit threads generate hundreds of thousands of views a month, which can lead to hundreds of potential users joining through your link. Here are some ways you can promote through reddit:

Creating A Thread:

Joining Reddit communities such as r/shoebots or r/sneakers and creating posts related to our group can be beneficial for promoting Juiced. Simply writing a 2-3 paragraph post reporting on what Juiced is and explaining our services can lead to hundreds of clicks on your link!

Click Here for Example


Commenting on Reddit posts can be a great way to directly connect with other "redditors." If you search for users questioning about cook groups and other discord communities, you can suggest that they join Juiced and explain why our services are different than others.

If there is something you need clarifying or you have a question, please contact

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