Twitter is one of the largest platforms for sneaker reselling, here are some ways in which you can promote JuicedIO on this platform:
Tweeting Out (Original Tweet):
If you have a twitter following focused in the sneaker resell related niche, tweeting out to your audience directly may be the most impactful when promoting Juiced. Within your tweet, you can briefly explain the benefits of joining and attach your unique checkout link to the tweet.
Retweeting w/ Comment:
Retweeting a popular 'sneaker resellers' viral tweet and commenting on how Juiced related to what they are discussing can drive sales from your checkout link.
By searching "cook group" on twitter, you can find various twitter users searching for the most beneficial group to join. You can explain to them why to join Juiced, and even take the conversation to DM's in order to add a sense of familiarity and friendliness.
Retweeting @JuicedIO content w/ Comment
Retweeting our tweets is a great way to drive sales from your checkout link. Simply retweet success posts and add your own unique comment to the tweet, engaging your followers into joining via your checkout link.
If there is something you need clarifying or you have a question, please contact
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